Galactic Treasure (Quads of Galafrax) Read online

Page 12

  His uniform held several gold stripes, unlike Cir’s.

  “What seems to be the problem? Is the female not well?”

  Ruby tried to calm her pounding heart and remembered Tev’s advice to her before they’d been rudely boarded and shot at.

  She marched up to him, hand on her hips. “Are you in charge here?”

  His lips twitched up at the corner, “Yes, little human, I am Commander Loz, at your service. Cir said there is some confusion.”

  “Well first, I want to know why the heck you raided my men’s ship? Why you shot at us, and I want to know where they are now?”

  A crease dented Commander Loz’s brow. “Your captors are in the brig. We were sent to rescue you from the brothers who had abducted you and were abusing you.”

  Ruby’s jaw dropped. “And what idiot told you I had been abducted and was being abused?”

  “From a member of the Hellious Intergalactic council.”

  It suddenly hit her, the only person who would have done such a thing. “Fish face, that conniving rat bastard.”

  The commander and his brother glanced at each other in clear confusion. “Let me guess, it was the Piclar Ambassador.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Auugh.” She tossed her hands into the air, waving them in frustration. “The brothers didn’t buy me from the Jorval trader.”

  “The Fire Bond brothers did not?”

  She poked a finger into the commander’s chest. “Hell no, they rescued me! That slime bucket of a Piclar Ambassador bought me from the Jorval. It was the Jorval who abducted me from Earth. If it wasn’t for the Fire Bond brothers, no doubt I’d be dead. The Piclar Ambassador bought me and he abused me. He even whipped me with a laser whip when I interfered in one of his big deals.”

  “I have seen faint markings on her back, which confirms she has indeed been whipped.” Cir spoke up.

  She drew in a deep breath, trying to remain calm. “If it hadn’t been for my Bir, Zay, Niz and Tev, I’d still be his slave, at his mercy! If you want someone to arrest, then arrest the Piclar, not my men.”

  “Humans are protected under Galafrax law. It is now illegal for them to be bought and sold as slaves.”

  Well thank god for small mercies. But Loz still seemed unmoved by her ranting.

  “Are you sure you have not been mentally coerced?”

  “I am quite sure. I love my quads, and I have promised to become their sheraz. We were on our way to Galafrax to make the bonding official. I’ve never been more cared for or loved than by my men. I demand you release them right now! Or for god so help me, I’ll go supernova on your arse. Believe me, I’m a redhead and we are known to have the worst tempers on all of Earth. When I really get mad it is not a pretty sight.”

  Loz nodded to the brother on his right. “Tos, go see if Commander Bir can confirm her story.”

  Ruby folded her arms and glared. “Go on, hurry up, the longer you keep me away from them, then the worse it’ll be for you, buddy.”

  One of the quads turned and hurried out the door.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Ruby!” Zay bolted upright, glancing wildly about. Tev groaned and rolled over.

  “The soldiers have her.” Bir informed them as he watched them realise where they now were.

  They glanced across the force field.

  “It seems they are under the impression we abducted and have been abusing our female,” Niz added.

  “No wonder we got raided.” Tev pushed himself up. The after effects of a neutralizer were never pretty. After being hit in the past Bir knew his brothers’ heads would be throbbing in a dull ache. It was why he surrendered easily, wanting to keep his wits about him, rather than be rendered unconscious.

  “If they touch her…” Zay pulled himself to his feet, rolling his shoulders and his neck.

  “They hit Ruby too,” Tev informed them.

  This Bir didn’t know.

  “With the neutralizer?” Niz stood up. “Then they would have taken her to medical, my poor beauty.”

  “Oh they’ll take care of her and try to charm her.” Bir growled.

  The door to the brig slid open, allowing two guards to enter. Followed by a commanding officer, from his insignia, Bir knew he was second brother to the high commander.

  “Commander Bir, I am Tos, second to Commander Loz.”

  Bir stood before him, and nodded in respect. “Is Ruby alright? I am most concerned she may have been harmed after getting hit with a neutralizer.”

  Tos' lips twitched into a smile. “She is fine and healthy. I had heard human females are passive, but she’s just as demanding as one of our own.”

  Bir struggled to school his face, keeping himself from smiling. His princess was raising hell.

  “She is also very talkative, and is telling quite a tale. What do you have to say about this?”

  All his brothers waited for him to speak. He could feel their gazes and tense anticipation.

  “We did not abduct her, if that is what you are referring to. She was being abused by the Piclar Ambassador. He used a control collar on her, and a laser whip. There is nothing we wouldn’t do for her, because she is our sheraz. We were on our way back to Galafrax to make our joining official.”

  Tos nodded, lifting his wrist, speaking into his writs com. “Commander, their story matches; I am inclined to believe them. The Piclar Ambassador is clearly in the wrong here.”

  “He made the report? I should have known. Fish face’s cruelty knows no bounds. Can we see her?”

  Tos nodded towards the guards. “Release them, we’ll continue to Galafrax. I fear if we do not, she may raise more trouble than a fire viper.”

  Niz chuckled. “That’s my beauty.”

  The force fields fizzled out and the brothers stepped from the cells. “If you please, Commander Tos, lead us to our female.”

  * * * *

  She sat on the chair, her legs dangling over the side. The Commander Loz sat on the other side of the table, the curiosity clear in his eyes as he watched her.

  “I am curious as to why you would choose a band of broken brothers, over quads who are whole?”

  “Why do you call them broken? They are wonderfully whole to me, thank you. I think your attitude stinks. Just because they are not identical, doesn’t make them any less of men, or any less mine.”

  “But you could have a whole planet of quads to choose from.”

  She shook her head. “Sometimes you don’t choose who you fall in love with, and I do love them. Each unique in his special way, I honestly cannot imagine my life without them.” She folded her arms.

  “I am now seeing the appeal of the human female. You have more care and heart than a Demos female. Are the rumours true, that you are easy to pleasure?”

  She didn’t think he was trying to be rude, but still, it was going too far. She narrowed her eyes at him. “That is none of your business.”

  “I agree with my sheraz, Commander, it is none of your business.”

  There in the door stood Bir, and then in filed Tev, Zay and Niz. She stood still at the magnificent sight of her men. She jumped to her feet, running towards them. Niz pushed past the others, and she jumped into his arms. He crushed her against his chest, his nose in her hair, breathing her in.

  “Oh my beauty.”

  “Are you alright? Did anyone hurt you?” She pulled back to look her men in their eyes.

  The men chuckled. “We should be asking you that, my princess.” Bir smiled with the love she felt. They surrounded her. Touching, stroking, making sure she was alright. It was here she felt whole once again.

  “Please accept my apologies for this misunderstanding. Is there anything I can do to help?” Loz said from behind them. “The affection of this family is clear. There is no abuse.”

  “I cannot blame you, Commander Loz. It is clear you were misled by the Piclar. But maybe you could help hasten our official mating status when we reach Galafrax? We want to make Ruby our shera
z as soon as possible.” Bir pulled her from Niz’s arms into his own.

  “Consider it done. Feel free to return to your ship. We will escort you the rest of the way. I hope my brothers and I will be fortunate enough to find a woman like yours. One day.”

  Commander Loz’s tone was wistful, and she felt sorry for him and his brothers. Could getting a woman really be that hard for them?

  “One more thing, Commander Loz.” Niz walked up to Commander Loz. Ruby couldn’t hear what was being said, but the Commander's eyes lit up, his grin mischievous as he nodded. “Consider it done.”

  Niz rejoined them.

  “Come, beauty, let’s take you home.”

  She eyed him as her men escorted her out of the room.

  “What did you say to Commander Loz?” She couldn’t contain her curiosity.

  The others glanced expectantly in Niz’s direction, as they too wanted an answer.

  “Just a way to make sure we never have a problem with the Ambassador. You are our treasure, Ruby, and we will never let anyone take you from us again.”

  Her men rumbled in agreement. She sighed, her heart filled with the love she had for all four of them. She giggled, having four sexy husbands devoted to making her happy. Life was never going to be boring.


  Ruby's eyes fluttered open, when she heard the soft swish of the door opening. She pushed her face into the pillow. Ever since the official ceremony of their marriage on Galafrax, her husband’s had been even more diligent in wanting to make her happy. They wanted to take a job working on Galafrax, so they wouldn’t have to roam around the galaxy. But after a frank family meeting, she wanted them to be just as happy, and being their own boss made them happy.

  “But we're getting out of the security business,” Bir declared. “We’re going into transport and cargo. It pays just as well. I won’t have our family in danger.” He’d drawn a hard line, and she'd accepted it.

  “I know you're awake, beauty.” She glanced up at Niz, meeting his golden gaze. He leaned on the large bed. They’d converted a larger room into a family bedroom where they could all sleep. His warm hand ran down along her naked back, sending erotic tingles along her spine, making her toes curl.

  The door hissed open, and she turned to see Tev and Zay stride through, expectant expressions written on their faces.

  She grinned as they started stripping off their clothing, until they stood naked and proud before her. Her gaze lowered to their thick bobbing cocks. Ruby sighed in delight at the delightful display of delicious red skin and rippling muscles. They knew she liked their display, their cocky confidence making her smile. Her whole body heated with desire. Her breasts, although a touch tender, swelled, her nipples hardened and her pussy juices flowed.

  “Are you ready for us, beauty?”

  It wasn’t really a question. She was always ready for them. Tev and Zay took their rods into their hands, stroking them from root to tip.

  She rolled over onto her back, pulling off the thin silken sheet. She met each of their heated gazes, giving her husbands a ‘come hither’ smile.

  Niz got off the bed, quickly stripping and joining his brothers at the end of the bed, in their naked state.

  She spread her legs wide and grinned as they jostled each other for pole position, Zay won, by shoving at Tev, which knocked Niz off balance. She shrieked as Zay dove onto the bed, landing right between her splayed thighs.

  There was no waiting, as he covered her pussy with his mouth. She threw her head back, moaning as he sucked on her slick folds and made slurping sounds and groans of pleasure as he licked up her cream.

  She felt him slide his tongue up between her labia and swirl his tongue over her clit. He thrust two fingers deep into her pussy and began to pump his fingers in and out of her sheath, rubbing over that sweet spot inside her. Zay had become very skilled with his tongue and fingers—already she could feel her climax rising. He lifted his head from between her thighs, glancing over her body until he met her gaze.

  “Keep your eyes open, little red. I love watching your face when you reach your peak.” Ruby groaned as he lowered his head once more and sucked her clit into his mouth and thrust his fingers into her depths. She could feel her juices leaking out of her body as they combined with Zay’s saliva. The bed dipped on either side of her, and she knew Niz and Tev had joined her. They lifted her shoulders up, propping her up on some pillows.

  She closed her eyes when they each leaned over her and drew her nipples into their mouths. “Open your eyes, beauty,” Niz’s muffled voice demanded, around a mouth full of breast. Ruby could just see over the top of Niz and Tev’s heads and met Zay’s golden eyes with her own as he sucked on her core. Then it slammed into her. She screamed as her body spasmed, wracked with pleasure.

  Zay’s tongue speared deep into her cunt, lapping up her juices, until the last ripple of her climax faded. She slumped back on the pillows and closed her eyes. Her legs shook and she wasn’t sure if she could take any more. She snapped her eyes open as she felt Zay and Tev move, watching them trade places on the bed. She groaned, closed her eyes, and covered her head with her arm.

  “Keep your eyes open, beauty,” Niz demanded. Ruby opened her eyes and stared at him. “I don’t think I can take any more.”

  “I know you can. Tev is going to bring you to your peak and then it’s my turn. Once we have all tasted your delectable cream we are all going to make love to you.” Niz's voice held a rough sexy edge to it.

  “We love you, sweetness.” Tev grinned at her and lowered his head. Ruby kept her eyes on his, struggling to keep them open. Niz and Zay both leaned over her and sucked and played with her nipples. She moaned as she felt Tev’s tongue sliding deep into her pussy and couldn’t help her scream of pleasure. Her sexy husband smiled, but pushed his finger in deep, rubbing against her G-spot. She thrust her hips up in response, pushing her pussy into Tev’s mouth.

  She could feel the walls of her pussy beginning to contract around Tev’s finger and knew she was building up to another orgasm. He rubbed the flat of his tongue over her clit faster and faster.

  She whimpered. Her womb felt heavy, and she could feel her muscles coiling tighter. Tev gently squeezed her clit between his fingers. It was enough to send her crashing over the edge. She bucked and screamed as her body shook uncontrollably, as her whole body shot into the stars.

  Tev lifted his head and grinned. “I love how you taste, sweetness, I could do this for hours on end.” His tongue darted out, licking her shiny pussy juices from his face, as he stared into her eyes.

  Ruby groaned as Tev and Niz traded places. Niz was firmly in control as he liked to be, and she knew nothing would sway him in how he directed their play. So she relaxed back onto the pillows to enjoy the pleasure being bestowed on her by her husbands.

  “Close your eyes and relax, beauty,” Niz’s said as he rubbed soothing hands up and down her thighs. The only time he would tell her to relax was if he was going to do something more demanding.

  Ruby screamed with pleasure and surprise as Niz suddenly devoured her. He sucked her clit into his mouth, holding the sensitive little bundle of nerves between his teeth as he flicked it with the tip of his tongue. He shoved what felt like three fingers into her depths and pumped into her fast and hard. Her clit was so sensitive she was glad he only used light touches of his tongue, but he thrust his fingers in and out of her at a furious pace. He withdrew his fingers and slid them down to her anus.

  Only Niz engaged that region of her body. They would never fuck her there, their cocks being too big, but it didn’t stop Niz from using other things on her, such as fingers and slim toys, knowing how it intensified her climaxes.

  She felt him coating her little pucker with her own juices and then penetrating her with one of those fingers. She felt him twist his finger around and slide two back into her cunt. Ruby bucked her hips up trying to get him into her pussy deeper, but he wouldn’t be controlled. He went at his own pace, slowly pushing
farther into her ass and pussy as his tongue still flicked over her clit with light touches. She moaned as she felt him slide in deeper and deeper with every forward thrust of his fingers. Her whole body was on fire, and she didn’t think she could take much more. Then she felt him hook his fingers up to the top wall inside her pussy, and he wriggled them on her G-spot.

  She screamed as her climax crashed over her in huge waves. Her head swam, and everything around her dimmed as she rode out the pleasure.

  Ruby slowly drifted back to find her husbands, cuddled around her, stroking her body and limbs as they eased her down from her climactic high.

  “You are so beautiful, Ruby. You know we love you?” Niz nuzzled in at the side of her throat.

  “Love you t… too,” Ruby managed to pant, her words slurred. Her husbands laughed. She saw their chests puff with pride at her weak state. She rolled her eyes and let them drift closed again.

  * * * *

  “Niz, you're a genius!” Bir walked in to find his brothers gently bathing the sex of their wife. No doubt they’d been enjoying the delights of her pussy, as she liked to call her feminine sex. From the look of their straining rods, they had yet to sink fully into her and take their pleasure.

  Niz tilted his head. “What news do you have?”

  Ruby stirred, her eyes fluttering open. She was so sexy as she smiled sleepily up at him. Bir’s rod pressed against his pants, painfully tight, and his balls ached, demanding he sink into her softness.

  “We’ve had a report sent to us from the border of Morax space. It seems our old friend fish face, after he tried to steal the Morax’s asteroid full of frillian, met with an unfortunate accident.”

  Ruby sat up. “Accident?”

  Niz snorted. Bir knew as well as Niz did, what had happened was no accident.

  “Yes, my lovely wife, an accident with three Morax war cruisers and the Ambassador’s ship. They accidentally fired on his ship. There were no survivors.”

  She glanced sideways at Niz. “This was your doing, wasn’t it? That day back on Commander Loz’s ship?”