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Between Feather and Fur (Gryphon Melds #1) Page 13
Between Feather and Fur (Gryphon Melds #1) Read online
Page 13
In the beam of the car’s head lights, her Gryphon made a spectacular turn and swoop, pouncing onto the bonnet. Ben’s eagle eyes trained on his prey, the asshole. She stared in awe at her men; their Gryphon was as big, if not bigger than an elephant. His big claws gripped the bonnet, ripping the metal apart as if it was made of tissue paper. Then, it easily removed half the engine, making it splutter in protest before dying, leaving only the headlights gleaming on the powerful lion body. It lifted off the ground again in another powerful, whoosh of his wings.
I guess they didn’t want Carl getting away in the car again.
Arial shook off the shock, unbuckled her belt and made to leap from the passenger side.
“Oh, no you don’t, bitch.” Carl again grabbed her long hair, yanking her back. She winced at the hot slice of pain in her scalp. “You’re my only protection against that…thing. One wrong move and you’re dead, got it?”
Her heart stilled in her chest when she caught the silvery gleam of a knife a moment before she felt the cold, sharp edge against her throat. She trembled, feeling the blade come close to cutting her while Carl fumbled with the car door, almost falling out of the driver’s side, but the asshole kept his grip tight in sheer desperation, wildly searching the sky for her Gryphon.
He stumbled to his feet, dragging her along with him, pulling her tightly against him as the whoosh got louder. Her Gryphon landed immediately in front of her men’s ruined car. Slowly, the huge beast stalked forward, his eagle head dipped, looking ready to attack.
“Don’t fucking come near me or I’ll kill her!” She winced at Carl’s scream, next to her left ear.
Moving backwards, Carl stumbled with her. She felt him trembling, but she kept her eyes forward, trying to stay calm and focused, never losing faith they would save her.
In a bubble of bright white and gold energy, she watched the feathers and fur recede, the bodies twisted and tore apart, the one becoming the two, before arms legs, and heads emerged. The familiar bodies and faces of her men stood before her. Mixed emotions rolled through her, fear of being murdered by Carl, while at the same time, awed by the magic of her men.
“Let her go now, asshole, or there won’t be enough left of you to identify,” Steve growled, stepping in front of Ben.
Arial gasped feeling a slight sting and a warm wetness trickle down her neck when Carl pressed the blade tighter against her throat.
“Easy, buddy.” Ben lay his hand on Steve’s shoulder. “Carl, be sensible; you’ve seen we’re not completely human. Let her go, and we’ll let you walk away.” Ben’s tone remained calm and in control.
“You’ve been fucking these freaks, bitch. I ain’t letting her go, she’s mine! I don’t give a fuck what you are. There’s only one way I’ll let you have her back...back the fuck off now.” He pulled her further and further away. It was clear, the only way Carl would let her go, is if she was dead. Arial didn’t know what to do, but one thing for sure; she couldn’t let Carl drag her off like a sheep to the slaughter. She met her men’s steady gazes burning with controlled anger, directed at Carl.
Carl was nothing but a fucking dick. An idea suddenly bounced into her brain. Her hand crept up; Ben shook his head no. It was time to act despite her men’s desperate looks fearing she would do something foolish. She drew in a deep breath and dug in her heels, so Carl couldn’t drag her any further. In a joint move, she shoved one hand between Carl’s hand holding the knife at her throat and pushed it away as much as she could. With her other hand, she slammed it into his crotch, grabbed and twisted his junk as hard as she could.
Carl’s pained yelps and singular curse filled her ears when she tightened her grip and pushed with the other with all her strength—desperate to get the knife away from her throat. In a blur of movement and a loud growl, they were both pitched backwards by a massive furry body. His body heat and the slice into the side of her neck both registered at the same time. Carl’s screams were muffled and she was suddenly flung up and back by Carl’s body lifting off the ground. Two strong arms caught her, cradling her to a hard muscled body, who she instantly knew was Ben. “Got you sweetheart, it’s over; don’t look darling, don’t look...”
She blinked, only catching a glimpse of Carl’s body, dangling like a broken doll in Steve’s huge lion mouth. Both predator and prey raced off into the thick darkness of the nearby forest. She was warm and yet, a cold, sticky wetness soaked her clothing, she started to shiver.
“Fuck, you’re bleeding badly.” Ben’s big hand pressed tight against the side of her neck. “The fucker cut you deep.”
Arial blinked up at him, trying to tell him she was alright, but couldn’t get the words out, only a cough. Her shaking worsened and she felt drowsy.
“Steve, help! Steve get the fuck over here now!” She heard the panic in his bellow.
Her eyes drooped. She struggled to keep them open, there was a lot she wanted and needed to tell the men she loved…well, maybe after a nap. “Don’t you dare Arial, stay with me. That’s an order, don’t close your eyes; stay awake!”
If only she could. None the less, she couldn’t help it when the dark dragged her down.
Chapter Fourteen
Family was everything to Thomas or Tom Alzera, he nodded at his meld partner Mark McCallum while he leaned against the clean white, hospital wall.
When his brother and his meld’s one was brought into emergency with severe blood loss in the early hours of the morning, it wasn’t long before the whole family was alerted and they came barrelling into the hospital to support Ben, Steve, and Arial—all offering to donate blood. It wasn’t needed, because now that Arial bonded with Ben and Steve, she would heal. Still, it didn’t stop the anxiety rolling through the immediate family, especially when Steve explained how she was hurt.
Tom sighed, staring at Steve’s pale and drawn face, Steve stood stock still watching Ben pace outside the room where they worked on Arial. Even their mothers knew not to come near; they were like a tightly pulled wire ready to snap. Tom felt for both his mother and Mark’s, when clearly they wanted to comfort their sons.
Right away Tom and Mark started making calls to their brother’s security agent, trying to find out just how Arial’s ex had managed to track them down in the first place and set the scene for her kidnapping.
Dean, Ben and Steve’s security agent, swore violently on the phone and said he’d look into it and also check on how Belinda was doing after she had been clearly used as a part of the trap. Tom may have not liked the skinny blond, but didn’t wish that kind of violence on anyone, let alone a woman.
Revenge was dished out on the fucker who cut Arial. Steve’s lion tore the human male apart and Tom knew no one would ever find the remains. Dean would clean up any messes, and make sure all evidence of how Carl died was erased.
Tom and Mark shared another look, one he saw more than his share, they ‘we’re running out of time to find their one.’ What could they do? They travelled extensively, searching for her. There were millions of women out there, finding their singular one was so fucking hard.
It’s why they came home, tired and a little desperate, sinking themselves into work, half a heart hopeful they would strike it lucky as Ben and Steve did.
Tired of waiting, Tom pushed up from his seat, his mother glancing up at him. “I need coffee, there’s a machine back in the emergency waiting room. Anyone want anything?”
“Could you get us some bottles of water please, dear,” His mother Serena put in her request.
Everyone else shook their heads and Mark shrugged. With a sigh, he strode down the corridor and took a few bends before emerging into the hospital’s emergency waiting area. People of varying ages and sexes sat demurely, considering it was almost five in the morning, waiting for their turn to be seen. His gaze was drawn to where a curvy, dark haired brunette sat. From her mop of wavy, tousled hair, he made out a faint bruise around her left eye. She also gingerly held her right arm, her pretty, rounded features pinched i
n clear pain.
Tom blinked at the sudden ‘off’ feeling in his chest. Before he realised what he was doing, he came to stop in front of the woman, inhaling her oh, so sweet feminine sent and observing her pink pouty lips turned down in a frown. Holy crap, it couldn’t be?
The woman glanced up at him, startled; he gazed down into her brilliant, dark blue eyes. His heart burst with sudden speed and his head spun with a giddy sensation. Mine, ours…she’s our ‘one’. By the Goddess, he found her! And she was hurt. It threw a bucket of ice water over his sudden elation, twisting it into a slow burning anger. Someone did this to her, they hurt her.
“Is…is there something wrong?” Her voice, throaty and soft washed over him, instantly hardening his cock. Shit, not good.
“Who hit you?” He winced, realizing he barked his demand at her.
Fuck, I’ve got shit for brains; this is not what I should be asking, find out her name, twit.
Her brow dipped lower, alarm in her gaze. “Why? Are you a doctor?”
Shit, I’m fucking this up. Mark will kill me. “I uh, no, my father is a head doctor here.” Nice recovery… “I’ll…I’ll get him and we’ll take care of you, I promise. What’s your name?” Tom barely refrained from adding the endearment ‘beautiful.’
Crap. On one hand, he didn’t want to leave her lest he lose sight of her. On the other, he needed to get his dad to find out who she is. He would have called Mark, but they both switched their mobiles off while in the hospital.
“Don’t go anywhere; I’ll go get the doctor now, okay?”
He waited until she nodded, before turning and back tracking the way he came. Down the hall, Ben and Steve were talking to Gene in the doorway. Mark’s gaze curious as he moved towards him. “No drinks, buddy?”
“I found her!” Tom blurted out in an urgent hushed tone.
“Found who?”
“Our one, genius.”
Mark’s eyebrows shot up to his forehead. “Really? Where?”
“Downstairs, sitting in the emergency room waiting to see a doctor. It looks like she has been beaten up.”
“Shit, and you left her there alone?”
“Do I look like a bloody stalker to you?”
“Yes, but that’s not the point; what if she gets away?”
“I said I would get my dad to look at her injuries.” Both Tom and Mark turned to where Steve and Ben vanished from the room. All their fathers were now staring at them.
“Uh, is Arial okay, dad?” Tom asked, but really wanted to grab his father and drag him downstairs.
“She’s going to be fine, but you don’t look so good.” Gene, wearing his white doctor’s coat moved towards them.
“Tom’s found our One.” Mark explained.
“Really?” All four of their fathers asked at once.
A sense of urgency filled Tom while Mark rolled his eyes.
“Dad, come with me, please, she’s been hurt.” Tom fought off the urge to grab his father and drag him down the hall.
“And, we’ll need to know where she’s from, so we don’t lose her.” Mark added.
Gene shook his head with a smile. “Okay, let’s go, boys. We can’t have your one getting away now, can we?”
Both Tom and Mark followed after Gene, to discover who their one is. Tom couldn’t wait to get to know her; it was a huge weight off both his and Mark’s shoulders.
* * * *
There was such tension in the air for the past hour; you could slice it with a knife. Again they’d melded in order to fly Arial to the hospital that Steve’s father Gene worked at, landing on the roof before hurrying down stairs, with their limp and pale mate. Thankfully, they encountered another of their kind, who helped them take Arial to the emergency ward and called in Steve’s father. Not only did Gene hurry over, the entire family poured into the hospital wanting to help and support Ben, Steve, and Arial.
Unable to deal with anything other than focusing on Arial, they’d let Tom and Mark deal with the aftermath of Carl’s set up and their revenge on him.
Finally, Gene emerged from the room where they wheeled Arial after Gene took over her treatment.
“You two are truly blessed by the Goddess. Had you not already bonded with her, the blood loss alone would have killed her.” Gene’s quiet calm was for only Ben and Steve. “Arial’s wound is healing well and her body is responding to the heart meld. She’ll be tired and weak for a few days, so while her body recovers, take it easy on her, you two.”
Ben nodded, looking to his bond meld, who also gave a sharp nod of understanding. “Go on in then, she’s still sleeping, but you should be there for her when she wakes up. No doubt, she’ll want answers.” Gene patted both his son’s shoulder and Ben’s before stepping out of the way to let Steve in first. Ben crowded in close behind.
Even dressed in a hospital gown, the beauty of her pale face and long red hair spread over the pillow was breathtaking to Ben.
Steve was already pulling a chair to her right side, gingerly gathering her hand, careful of the fluid, drip needle in the back of her hand.
Ben felt the anguish and blame rolling off his meld partner. Since the first meld, they became even more attuned to each other’s moods and more so, their ‘one’s’ mood. Right now, Ben felt nothing, but the peace of a healing sleep coming from his beloved one.
Ben rubbed at his chest, trying to dispel the ache he echoed along with Steve. Steve ran his hands gently through her red tresses, lifting them to rub them against his cheek.
“I’m so sorry, little mermaid, so sorry we let him hurt you.”
Ben sighed, locating a chair from the corner and pulling it over to her left side. Ben knew Arial well enough to know she wouldn’t like this. “Steve, you know that’s not what she wants.”
Steve’s brow dipped in a scowl, glaring over at Ben. “What?”
“Blaming ourselves for what happened. She’s had enough emotional shit to deal with in her life. She doesn’t need any of your misplaced guilt either. Neither you nor I could have known what the dead asshole planned. You took the revenge for all of us; let’s try and put it behind us and move onto a better future.” He gestured to Arial. “Look what a wonderful future we have with our woman.”
Still, Steve didn’t look convinced. “Once I hear I’m forgiven from her lips, I’ll let it go. Okay. There are still a lot of unanswered questions.”
“Tom and Mark are handling it and will fill us in on the details later. Can you try to focus on here and now at least?”
Steve nodded, just as Arial drew in a deep breath and stirred. Two sleepy, blue eyes opened. She blinked several times as if to clear her vision, staring at Steve. Her head turned to look at Ben. His breath caught when she smiled at him.
She licked her dry lips and Steve was quicker off the mark to fetch the water than Ben was. “Here, baby, slow sips, okay?”
She nodded and Ben helped lift her while Steve tipped the cup to her lips. Once settled, she glanced at her surroundings. “I’m guessing, I’m in the hospital?”
“Yes, sweetheart, you lost a lot of blood. It was an extremely brave and foolish thing you did. I know we have a longer life span, but you almost ended that for us, please don’t ever do it again.” Ben said gently.
She gave a snort. “Not likely, what about the asshole?”
“Dead, I tore him apart, no one will ever find him, baby, I swear.” Steve bit out.
Her shoulders relaxed and she gripped Steve’s hand. “You won’t get into any trouble?”
Ben saw Steve’s lips twitch up at the corners. “Never in a million years, beautiful.”
She nodded. “Good. It’s over then.”
“Yes, sweetheart, it’s all over.” Ben squeezed her hand in assurance.
“Y…you don’t have any questions?” Steve asked, surprised.
“Will I be okay?”
“Of course. My dad ordered lots of rest for the next few days. You’ll be right as rain soon. I’m so sorry for what happened.” Ste
ve blurted out.
“Gee, Steve, as if I’m going to blame you for something the asshole did, and you didn’t know would happen. I’m going to be fine, you’re not going to get into trouble, and the asshole’s dead, and we still love each other. Does that cover it?”
Ben chuckled, pride replacing the ache; he felt lighter and happier. “Pretty much.”
“Then, I’ve no more questions. I love you both, but right now, I’m really tired. I need rest to focus on wedding plans later.”
Steve groaned. “You’re going to make us wear monkey suits aren’t you?”
“You better believe it, lion boy; now kiss me before I fall asleep again.”
Ben wanted to smack Steve as he dove in first in a reverent, loving kiss. At Ben’s turn, he too poured all his tender love into their one kiss. She sighed happily and her eyes closed again.
“See, what did I tell you?” Ben waggled his eyebrows at Steve. All the tension in the air completely evaporated at Arial’s carefree, loving attitude.
“Fucker,” Steve growled more playfully.
“Asshole.” Ben laughed. Everything was going to be fine.
Other Books
Angela Castle
Beast Planet 1: Captive Surrender
Beast Planet 2: Captive Salvation
The Emperor’s New Nightingale
Soul Bonds
Coming 2015
Between Claw and Roar
Gryphon Melds book 2
Soul Bonds 2