Between Feather and Fur (Gryphon Melds #1) Read online

Page 8

  All mine, all mine. She sing-song chanted in her head. She glanced down at her tight black and emerald green dress, which fit her body perfectly, making her feel extra sexy.

  Now, she was exceptionally thankful her new mums’ talked her into getting it. “You have to be bold with your body. Dress to please yourself, no one else’s opinion matters, but you and your men.”

  Ben didn’t want to let her out of the house, and Steve only wanting to peel it off and fuck her again told her all she needed to know and feel.

  I am strong, confident, and sexy.

  They came to a halt in front of the tall and muscled bouncer. Arial glanced between Steve and Ben, as the dark haired, blue-eyed man cocked his head, before leaning forward slightly, his nostrils flaring slightly.

  She blinked in surprise. Are they sniffing each other?

  “Lion,” Steve said first.

  “Eagle.” Ben followed.

  “And our one, Arial; Mark and Tom are our brothers.” Steve added.

  The bouncer nodded, his gaze slid over her and he smiled. “Lucky, she’s a beauty,” the bouncer rumbled, unhooking the gold link on the thick, red rope.

  “Ours,” growled Steve, while Ben’s arm tightened protectively around her waist.

  “I know man, have fun.” He let them pass into the club; much to the grumbles and complaints coming from the line up behind them.

  Her men guided her into the club’s entrance room.

  “Jacket, mermaid.” Steve helped her out of her jacket.

  “What was that all about? Were you three actually sniffing each other?”

  “Aaah, well kind of, the bouncer is one of us.”

  She cocked a curious eye brow at Ben. “What do you mean one of us?”

  “From a three family, like us; call it animal instincts if you will.” Ben’s gaze again raked down her body. “Stay close to us beautiful; don’t want to have to kill anyone tonight for trying to steal you away from us.”

  “Seconded.” Steve offered his other arm. She sighed and linked her bare arms with theirs.

  She got the feeling as if they were trying to steer her away from the subject, they succeeded when Steve grinned. “You do look amazing, baby.” His gaze riveted on the top of her cleavage and he licked his lips.

  “I think you two better behave,” she chided softly.

  “I’m always perfectly behaved.” Steve grinned wolfishly.

  “For what, a two year old?”

  Ben barked out a long laugh. “No wonder I love you so much, sweetheart, you got him pegged perfectly.”

  “Well, if I’m the baby, I want to go home and suck on these lush titties all night long and drink cream from my girl’s pussy.”

  “Steven!” Her face heated at his audacious words.

  “On that cue.” Ben pushed open the second door and ushered her into the club.

  Dimmed lighting with strobes moving about on the dance floor made her blink, the loud, low thump of the modern dance music pounded in time with her beating heart.

  She stood amazed at the mass of men and women writhing on the dance floor. She had never been to a night club, so apart from what she saw in the movies, she wasn’t sure what to expect from a Melbourne club.

  The space was divided with different levels. Tables and chairs were set up to face the dance floor and view the writhing couples or groups—several women danced in a group together. She liked the blue lighting, the thick poles placed in various parts with bubbles rising inside them, giving the place a modern, relaxed look.

  Ben and Steve knew where they were going as they guided her around the outside of the dance floor. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, a voice called out.

  “Steve, oh Steve!” They paused as a blonde in a red dress moved towards them.

  “Oh, gosh, it is you Steve and Ben! What a delight to see you two again. It’s been far too long,” purred the voice of a bottled blonde, her tight, red dress clinging to her slim figure as if it was painted on. She pouted her wet, red lips seductively at them, and ignored Arial sandwiched between them as if she wasn’t there.

  She ran her hand over Ben’s arm and he stiffened, backing up and placing Arial slightly in front of him. “Clearly, not long enough,” Arial heard Ben mutter.

  The barracuda’s gaze moved to Steve, cutting Arial, clearly standing between them, completely out. Steve folded his arms defensively. “Becky, was it?”

  “Belinda. How could you forget after our incredible night together? Not everyone has your unique tastes, and you never returned my calls, but I’m a forgiving girl, you’re both here now, and I’m always up for some more fun.”

  Arial bit her tongue. As much as it hurt to think of her men with someone else, she also put her sensible hat on. Of course, they were bound to have, uh, dates, with other women before she came into their lives before they fell in love with her.

  They are red-blooded men and it was not as if they were committed monks.

  “It was a long time ago; I’m now in a committed relationship with my girlfriend Arial. Go find someone else to sink your claws into, Belinda.”

  Arial smiled at the giddy feeling of Steve staking his claim on her in public.

  “Oh, how nice.” Belinda’s smile turned saccharine sweet, but her cold eyes could cut Arial to ribbons.

  “Excuse us.” Both men gripped Arial’s hands and were almost dragging her up the stair case.

  “Sorry, sweetheart.” Ben got in first, his brow dipped in a worried frown.

  “We didn’t know we would run into a...” Steve’s embarrassment was quite cute.

  “Mistake.” Ben added. “A fucking big mistake.”

  She patted their arms. “It’s okay. I’m more surprised you don’t have a whole line of women trailing after you. I get that you were single once.”

  Ben slipped his arm around her waist squeezing her against his side, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to us and we’re not single now beautiful. We belong to you as much as you do to us.”

  Her heart did a giddy little jig.

  “And don’t forget it.” Steve turned her slightly, bending to kiss the tip of her nose. “C’mon I spotted Mark and Tom grinning like idiots in the corner over there.”

  Two men in neat casual attire stood up as they approached. Bright and handsome smiles from two men who could easily rivalled her men in devastating sexiness. Even in the lower lighting of the club, the clean cut features, dark hair and eyes showed the family resemblance to her men. These were their twins.

  It was so odd friends could become closer than brothers, and twin brothers at that. One thing was certain, they weren’t identical twins.

  The brothers and friends greeted each other before she was pulled to the front and hugged also accompanied by a gush of complements on how beautiful she is.

  They ordered drinks and Arial relaxed, feeling at ease around Ben and Steve’s brothers; they were easy to talk to, and asked her opinion on things around the club.

  “We need a woman’s touch around here.” Mark said. She told him what she liked and didn’t like about his newly acquired night club.

  “We bought out the entire chain, a club in every major Australian city after the previous owner was caught in some shady deals. The government had a fire sale on all his assets. We decided to pick up the clubs and improve, well…everything.” Mark leaned back against the black studded, vinyl couch, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. His gaze roamed back through the club and dancing people. “Think I’ll start with better furniture.”

  “We fired a ton of people in league with the old owner and put our own men on the doors as well as hired new bar staff.” Tom took over. “It’s a bit of a risk, but I think it will pay off. We’ll also rename them all, of course.”

  “To what?”

  “What would you name the club, Arial?” She blinked in surprise at Tom’s question.


  “Yes, you, silly, there’s
no other woman around here I’m asking.” Tom chuckled.

  “I… uh…The Blue Gryphon’s.” The words popped into her head. Mark and Tom glanced at each other.

  “I know; it’s lame. I—”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Arial, it’s perfect! Ben and Steve better watch out, or we’ll steal you away for your fantastic, creative mind.”

  “Buddy, I love you man, but hands off our woman. You seriously need to put some thought into finding your One.”

  Mark and Tom shrugged.

  “Yeah, it’s getting close to our time.” Tom said.

  The odd conversation threw her; she glanced between her men. They call me their one.

  “I know; it’s not as if we haven’t been trying, but travelling and business…”

  “Our method worked.” Ben grinned. “We found our one, and bro, it is amazing.” He grinned down at her, raising her hand to kiss the back of it.

  “I still don’t understand what you mean by that, are you in some kind of race to fine a girlfriend or wife?”

  “Arial, there are still a few things you’ve yet to learn about us. We’re not like normal men. It’s almost like an animal instinct in sensing who the one woman is going to be for us. When I first met you, I knew you were meant to be ours. It’s hard to explain.” Steve stroked her hand and down her arm.

  She swallowed at the pinch of pain caused by them still keeping secrets from her. She pulled away, pushing to her feet, trying to push back the negative emotions attempting to raise their ugly heads.

  She needed a little time to clear her head. “Excuse me; I need to use the ladies room.”

  Steve bounded to his feet, snatching back her hand. “Arial, I’m sorry, I love you baby. I didn’t mean...”

  She shook her head. “No, its okay, I’ve learned my facts from my fiction remember. I know you love me and have been nothing but wonderful. Yes, I feel a little hurt right now, but I also know it’s a false feeling. I really do need to use the bathroom.”

  “I’ll take you.” Ben also sprang to his feet. She laughed.

  “No, stay and catch up. I’m a big girl; I can handle one trip to the ladies room by myself.” She turned letting her hips swing and felt their stares.

  She passed through the crowed of beautiful, slim women, who wore their mini dresses and club wear with ease, and wondered if she looked like a fish out of water. Certainly she felt it.

  False feeling, Arial.

  It was a small comfort when she spotted a few other ladies with full figures, but there were far more slim women, who looked more attractive with their more elegant figures.

  I have two wonderful men who love me the way I am. They or their brothers aren’t embarrassed by me. If they’re okay with me, I’m okay with me.

  She hurried into the bathroom. On her way out a woman stepped into her path. “Oh, excuse me.” She tried to move around her, but found the woman continued to block her.

  “Leaving so soon?” Arial realised it was the same woman from earlier, Becky? No, Belinda.

  Arial shook her head. “No, I’ve just come from the bathroom.”

  “You know it won’t last.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You and them. Rich, handsome men and a poor, fat little redhead.”

  The woman sneered. “Do you really think someone like them could care for someone like you?” Belinda’s cold gaze raked Arial up and down. “You could stand to skip a few meals. I did hear there was a food shortage in some countries, now I see why.”

  Shocked, Arial’s mouth fell open.

  “Don’t look so surprised dear.” With a toss of her fake, bleached blonde head, she continued. “Fat women trying to impress men like Ben and Steve, men who are clearly far above you. Don’t fool yourself, I’m sure they’ll get over their pity fuck for the fat girl soon enough and move on to better things. Oh, those boys were always too kind for their own good.”

  Arial’s heart pounded faster at the woman’s attack, but she stood her ground as old emotions of worthlessness sprung to the forefront.

  Facts, not feelings, Arial, the woman is jealous and trying to make me feel less than I am.

  A possessive anger raced through her veins. The little bitch was after her men; no way was she going to let her have what belonged to her.

  “How hard was it to get into that dress anyway? You look like a piece of fat rump steak shoved into a sleeve. You’re a pathetic excuse for a human. Clearly you’re undisciplined with your weight. Can’t you see how your disgusting people around you with your fat arse.”

  The words cut deep and Arial struggled to keep her breathing even as she spun on her heel to stride away from the blonde’s poisonous words only to come to a jarring halt at Belinda’s cruel laugh.

  “That’s it, fat girl, go ahead and run, leave the real men to the real women here. I doubt they’ll ever even know you’re gone! I sure won’t miss out on the opportunity.”

  Never again would she let someone make her feel worthless even if she didn’t like confrontations and trembled. Arial didn’t back down. She wasn’t the same timid woman to let others tread over her and abuse her. She grabbed a drink out of a passing man’s hand and threw it into Belinda’s face.

  Belinda shrieked in outrage as the blue coloured drink dripped down her face. “You-you—”

  “No, you listen up,” Arial snapped. “I’ve had it with people like you thinking I’m not worth anything because of my weight, or I don’t measure up to someone else’s standards. It’s you I feel sorry for. It must be difficult to hold on to any man.”

  Arial waved her hand towards the woman’s over inflated breasts. “I’m sure your fake boobs, fake tan, fake hair and skeleton figure can pull men, but I doubt you’ve had a loving relationship, or one which lasted longer than the span of your emaciated waist size. I have two amazing men who love me for who I am. Yes, listen clearly, bitch. Ben and Steve are mine, mine! I am keeping them and no artificial, primped up diva will take them from me! For the love of god go eat some damn carbs. You look like a third world refugee. Oh, and just so you know, real men like meat on the bone and can handle the curves, you ditzy bimbo!”

  She backed up and bumped into something solid. Strong familiar arms wrapped around her. It was only then she realised the club was silent. She glanced up to see Steve’s furious face, but he glared directly at Belinda.

  Fear sliced through her and she shook. She embarrassed herself and her men in front of all these strangers. To her surprise, he jerked her closer and swooped in to kiss her. Hard. Deep. Long.

  Her knees went weak and she clung to him, but Ben then pulled her from Steve and into his arms, kissing her just as passionately. Through the pounding of her heart, she heard the sounds of clapping and more joined in before almost the whole floor applauded, along with a few whoops and whistles.

  Ben released her mouth and Arial felt the rise of heat right to the tips of her hair. She turned and buried her face against Ben’s chest.

  “We’re so proud of you baby.”

  “One hell of a woman you’ve found there, brother.” She peeked up to see Mark and Tom standing close by, with wide grins on their handsome faces.

  “You don’t know the half of it, bro.” Ben chuckled.

  “She assaulted me. Call the cops, I’m pressing charges!” A furious voice shrieked from their left.

  “Shut up, Becky!” Steve snapped. “How about counter charges for verbal abuse; everyone in here heard you.” Steve looked over at Mark. “Brother, would you kindly take out the trash.”

  “Gladly, I’ll also impose a ban on her ever returning to the club.” More cheers erupted as a spluttering, red faced Belinda was dragged away by two burly bouncers.

  “C’mon, mermaid, I think we need to sit, and you need another drink.”

  She happily let her men guide her through the throng of people, and was sure her cheeks were now neon red with the admiring smiles and, ‘good going, girl’ comments.

  Relief swamped he
r when she finally sank down into a chair, surrounded by the comfort of her men. The place now knew without a doubt she belonged, heart mind, and soul.

  * * * *

  Carl rubbed his tired eyes, and leaned back in the seat of his hired car, watching the entrance of the nightclub he followed the expensive Mercedes to.

  Five fucking weeks! His fingers tightened on the steering wheel. When he got his hands on her again, she would pay for every day, and every red cent she took and he paid to the private investigator to skip trace her.

  How stupid did they think he was, not to know someone was watching him? He alerted his investigator, who in turn traced the other investigator back through the channels for which Carl’s watcher was hired.

  Too easily, he slipped away without anyone being the wiser in a hired car and drove the distance from Perth to Melbourne—three fucking days. Yes, she’d pay for that, too.

  He sighed, glancing at the papers spread across the passenger seat, with the obscure photo of her with two older women out shopping in a high-end Melbourne store with a smile on her chubby face. The second photo showed some rich prick with his arm around her. So, the little slut found a new fuck and wallet to squeeze.

  This required some thought of how to lure her away from her now wealthy life. He needed to get her back on home turf, and then the serious breaking could begin. Clearly, his softer efforts were wasted. The effort he put into this one, moulding her into the perfect, timid creature. He shook his head. She was lazy and fat. Short of shoving her into a cage and letting her live off carrots and water... Carl you’re brilliant, if that’s what it took, that’s what he would do.

  Yes, she may be fat, pale and with ugly red hair, but the fact remained she belonged to him. He did not let go of anything which belonged to him. This time he would brand it into her skin.

  Two? They both had an arm around her waist. The little slut was stuffed into a sexy, black and green dress, a smile on her whore painted lips. Clearly she has taken to prostitution to make money. Men with fat fetishes—if these two were fucking her, they would have to be.

  The two fucks that’d walked her into the night club wouldn’t stand in his way.