Galactic Treasure (Quads of Galafrax) Read online

Page 8

  She giggled. He was so damn sweet. “It’s okay, you guys have needs. I understand that, just as women have their own toys on Earth.”

  “Toys?” Zay sat down on the other side of the bed, running his hand up over her arm to cup her breast, weighing it in his palm.

  “Yes, you had a sex droid. I had a vibrator.”

  Tev frowned, rising from his knees to sit on her left side.

  “Vibrator, what is it? A form of male sex droid?”

  “Oh no, just a rubber cock that vibrates so women can bring themselves to their own peaks. Not every human man is as good as you guys.”

  Zay snorted. “Well, it is something you will never need again. We will always take care of you needs. You will have no craving for any kind of human vibrator toy.”

  Ruby groaned as Zay pinched her nipple. “Your breasts are something I will never get enough of.”

  Tev bent his head to nuzzle in at the curve of her neck, before his tongue flicked out licking her skin, making her break out in goose bumps. “I will never get enough of tasting your sweet skin.”

  “Or touching your softness.” Zay snaked his arms around her, pulling her towards him. Tev moved her curtain of hair to the side and continued his tasting down her spine.

  Being caught between the two of them at the same time played havoc on her senses, since she’d only had one brother at a time so far. She was totally unprepared for the devastating effect four hands and two mouths had on her body.

  “My turn again.” Zay’s voice broke through her erotic haze.

  She blinked, staring at Zay, but when Tev moved away, she whimpered in protest.

  “Wait, I thought you were quads and did things together?”

  “Yes, little red, but you are not a Demos female. You don’t need all of us to bring you to pleasure.”

  Ruby’s mind raced. “No, but I like having you both here, I like you both touching me. And as for turns.” Her smile turned wicked. “You can both have me at the same time.”

  She could have laughed at the perplexed expression on Zay’s face.

  “How?” Tev smoothed his hand down her back.

  “We get creative, of course. Move back, both of you.”

  They seemed reluctant but after a moment complied, Zay lifting her from his lap. Curious expectancy showed on their faces.

  “Zay, take off your clothes and lay on the bed with your legs over the end.”

  The man almost stumbled, hurrying to peel his uniform off. She turned her gaze to Tev and hooked her finger at him. “Clothes off too, Tev.”

  He dropped his pants, kicking them away in record time. Both her men, and their dark red plum skin, contoured so beautifully with bulging muscles. How’d she get so lucky?

  Zay lay on the bed as instructed. She smiled, scooting over to him while facing away from him. His hands came up grabbing her hips.

  Already slick with juices and Tev’s cum, she took Zay’s cock into her hand, raised her body over him and slowly sank down onto his thick shaft. Groans of pleasure from them both filled the room as he stretched her inner walls open.

  God, he felt good. Ruby took a deep breath and forced herself to concentrate, although it was damn hard when Zay shifted his hips.

  “Oh, little red, always so hot and tight around me.”

  She lifted her head, seeing Tev watching, the fire in his eyes, and his hard jutting cock telling her how much in need he was.

  “Come to me.” She hooked her finger at Tev, who moved like a man in a trance. His cock was just at a perfect height, as she sat on Zay. She placed one hand on his hip and wrapped the other around his swollen member, leaning forward to lick his tip.

  His hips jerked towards her.

  “By the ice plains, sweetness.” She licked him again, loving the dark chocolaty flavour of him. Without hesitation she took him into her mouth, sucking like a child would a lollypop.

  No more instructions were needed, as her men took over. Zay lifted her and thrust into her, over and over, pushing her again to the brink of climax. Her fingers curled into Tev’s hip for a tighter grip, as she sucked him stronger, between running her tongue where she could slide it.

  Back on Earth with the limited men she had known, giving head was one of her least favourite things to do. But with her Demos men it was a pure joy. It also heightened her own arousal, knowing she could please and pleasure them as much as they did to her.

  The scent of sex and sweat filled the air, along with the sound of their moans and grunts as Tev pushed more of his length into her mouth. She tried taking as much as she could down her throat, but he was so long and thick, she pumped with her hand what she couldn’t fit.

  “Oh by the ice plains, little red,” groaned Zay as he sat up to fondle her breasts, before one hand snaked around her body, delving between her legs, zeroing in on her clit, rubbing it in firm circles.

  Enough to send her shooting up to the stars as a climax crashed over her.

  “Sweetness, I can’t … oh damn the ice plains…” Tev released into her mouth, and she sucked him hard, swallowing down the ropes of cum spurting from his cock, while at the same time trying to deal with her own orgasm. Zay pulled her down tightly against him as he too came, flooding her with his seed.

  Zay fell back onto the bed, pulling her down with him. Tev collapsed on the other side of Zay. Tev reached out, yanking her off Zay and into his arms.

  “Never have I received such pleasure, sweetness, thank you.” He kissed her deeply and reverently.

  She rested her head on his chest and felt Zay curl his arm around her.

  “We’re never going to let you go. You know that, right?” Zay's deep whisper told her.

  “I know.” She smiled sleepily against Tev’s chest. “I’m not letting any of you go either.”

  * * * *

  Never had the passing of two days seemed so agonizingly slow. Bir and Zay were on guard outside fish face’s quarters. No doubt Zay was giving Bir a full rundown on everything they had done to her and she had done to them.

  Ruby was bored out of her brain, and the only thing keeping her from going totally bonkers was reliving all the wonderful memories and experiences her men had given her. She sighed, realising Niz had yet to have his turn with her. Not that it mattered, she planned to jump him, or would it be him jumping her, the first opportunity they got.

  She glanced over to where fish face riffled through some trade documents for his planet, a planet she hopefully would never have to see. She touched her collar, remembered how reluctant Tev was to put the fake one on her. Zay was even more reluctant to take her back to fish face's quarters before Bir and Niz escorted the Ambassador back.

  They’d made it just in time, thanks to Bir’s pre-warning. Zay stole one last kiss before heading back to stand by the door, his face a mask of boredom.

  Damn, he was a good actor. Once they had all gone, fish face had given her some food, and then she’d curled up and slept soundly.

  “You know, on Earth, I’d have something to do rather than sit around all day.”

  She shifted restlessly on her pillow, glaring up at fish face.

  “Be grateful you no longer have to do any menial tasks, and are now my pampered pet.”

  “For your information, Earth is a highly intelligent planet, and a complexly structured society.”

  “I doubt it, if they allow their pets to be stolen.”

  Anger surged through her. She clenched her fists as her body shook trying to refrain from planting one into fish face’s gut.

  “We do have space travel, arsehole.” Damn her mouth. Fish face raised his head, his bulging eyes studying her.

  “Do you need the vocal inhibitor or should I send for Commander Bir to re-tame your viper’s tongue?”

  “No, I … I’ll behave.” She needed some space to calm down. “Can I go to the wash room?”

  “Go ahead, and groom yourself. Just don’t disturb me when you return. I have important business, to attend to.”

  Ruby couldn’t contain her snort, but scrambled up and headed out the door. Happy to have some time to herself, she used the facilities, splashed some water on her face and straightened her clothes. At least they were a bit more modest than the last few outfits fish face had given her, an apricot top and a longer skirt, hiding her chubby thighs.

  She sighed knowing she couldn’t hide away forever in here. One or two of the brothers would be along soon. Her heart pounded at the thought of seeing them again, and giddy anticipation made her lightheaded.

  Holy moly. She’d turned into a lovesick idiot. Love? Oh, no, no, no… it was lust. The brothers satisfied a carnal need she’d been missing out on for a long time. That was all. And they were going to rescue her, or were they?

  Damn, why did self-doubt always have to creep in and ruin things? Stupid brain, stop thinking. They want to marry you.

  But why? Because she was an exotic alien, because they could always get lucky. Deep down Ruby knew what she really craved. Not just their attention, she needed their love.

  It didn’t matter, either way her fate lay in their large strong hands. She smiled at the thought of just what their large strong hands could do.

  With a heavy sigh and dragging feet, she headed back to the main quarters. Fish face was staring at the large holo screen talking to another Piclar.

  “I have Ambassador Dun’nugar eating out of my hand. Soon we will have the mining rights to that little asteroid, on the edge of Morax space. Of course, I’ve offered them far more than we’re willing to pay, but they don’t have to know that.

  “Already a team is standing by, waiting for me to send the signal as soon as the contract is signed. Of course I’ll pay them a minor deposit as a sign of good faith. By the time the Morax realise we’ve already taken all the frillian deposits, we would have sold them off to the highest bidder at an astronomical profit.”

  Both Piclars laughed, but fish face’s laugh was more sinister, turning Ruby’s stomach in disgust. She quietly moved to take her seat on the pillows, keenly listening to all they said.

  “They will go to the trade council and report you.”

  Fish face waved his hand dismissively. “Any complaint lodged will need to be investigated. A few credits slipped to the right people, and it can be tied up in political channels for years. But to be on the safe side once we’ve sucked the asteroid dry, it will be destroyed, leaving no evidence we were ever there. How can they protest over something that never existed?”

  God, he is one slimy bastard.

  “What makes you think they will sign with you, and not the Kalens?”

  “Oh, I’ve made sure of it. It was quite easy to pay someone to plant evidence of them being untrustworthy. The Morax Ambassador will be begging to sign my contract. It also helps my cause that most of their planet is in severe drought and in need of credits to buy food replication units to feed their people. The hours sympathising with his plight yesterday have helped our cause greatly. I’ll have the contracts signed very soon. They are on their way here as we speak.”

  Ruby held in her snort. She couldn’t let that happen to the Morax Ambassador or their people.

  “Good fortune to you, then. Let me know when it is done.”

  “I have all the fortune I need with my red-haired pet. Rageelna out.”

  Not if I can help it. She’d make sure fish face's fortune turned into the worst luck of his life.

  The chime of the door signalled the doomed party’s arrival. Fish face stood up, smoothed down his robes before hurrying to answer the door.

  “Ambassador Kipkalya and Korna, welcome, please come in.” Fish face stood back, as the two tall Morax entered the quarters, and she briefly met the gaze of each one before their attention fell to the data tablets, sitting on the table.

  “Ambassador Rageelna, in light of recent events, after a good deal of discussion with the rulers on Morax, we have decided to go with your offer to mine our asteroid for frillian. The credits and the food modulators are greatly needed.”

  “Wonderful, Kipkalya, your planet will benefit greatly from this deal. After you had opened my eyes to the suffering of your people, I have decided to add an extra ten thousand food modulators to our deal.”

  “It is very generous of you, Ambassador Rageelna. We accept.”

  “Then come, please, we will sign the contracts and then celebrate.”

  Ruby watched as they moved to sit down and pick up the tablets. Her heart thumped in her chest, knowing how fish face was cheating the Morax.

  “Make sure you read the contract carefully, Ambassador Kipkalya. Make sure Ambassador Rageelna isn’t trying to cheat you out of your frillian.”

  Fish face rounded an angry glare at her. “Take no heed of my pet, Ambassador. She is a mindless nothing.”

  Ruby rose to her feet, hand on her hips, glaring at fish face.

  “Mindless nothing, hey, so would mindless nothings overhear you telling your Piclar friends how you set up the other Ambassadors to make them look untrustworthy? Or am I stupid enough to tell the Morax how you plan to strip their asteroid so fast, they wouldn’t know until it’s too late, and you’ve sold all the frillian deposits off to the highest bidder?”

  “Ruby, stop, now!”

  She ignored fish face. “Even if the Morax try to take you to court, you have enough power to keep it tied up for years, and years?”

  Fish face reached for his control for the collar on her neck, and started gurgling when it did nothing. She faced the Morax, who stared at her.

  “I am sorry, Ambassador Kipkalya. I am an intelligent being, was kidnapped from my planet and forced into slavery. I have nothing to lose, and I can’t sit by and let you be taken for a ride by this lower form of swamp life, if you do, you and your people will regret it.”

  Fish face grabbed a fist full of her hair, yanking her so hard, tears sprung to her eyes. “You no good little dugngaha!” He swiftly dragged her from the room. She struggled but fish face was too strong. He threw her onto her bed.

  Fish face was panting, gurgling with rage. “I will deal with you after I fix this mess.”

  He took a moment to compose himself before walking back out. “My friends, I am so sorry…” The door slid shut.

  Holy moly, she was in trouble. She had to get out. God knows what he would do to her now. She ran to the door, hoping to make a run for it, but it was locked.

  Damn it. Glancing around the room she spied the com panel. Racing over, she curled her hand into a fist and thumped on it.

  “Hello, help emergency!”

  “Species not recognised, enter identification code.”

  “I don’t have a damn code, it’s an emergency, damn it. Can you put me through to the Demos ship?” Her men would come for her, wouldn’t they?

  “Species not recognised, enter identification code.”

  Damn it, no doubt fish face made sure she couldn’t use the computer thingy.

  Her hands shook, knowing whatever fish face planned to do to her would not be good. She sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm her erratic pulse, as her fear made it leap. But what to do? Stand and fight or run and hide?

  She looked up at the air vents above her. Ruby snorted, you sure can’t fit your fat arse in any air ducts. Think again. The bathroom was open with a tub and little privacy.

  “Well, looks like I’ll have to fight it out until help arrives.”

  Another quick search of the quarters. What did she have to arm herself? A toothbrush and a glowing lamp.

  “Yeah, that’ll get 'em, clean their teeth and brighten their day.”

  The door slid open. She took a step back when fish face and his two original Piclar guards stepped in.

  With a trembling hand she clutched the toothbrush. “You dare harm me and there’ll be hell to pay.”

  “You think the Demos will come to your rescue, pet?”

  Ruby’s jaw dropped, how the hell did he…

  “You don’t think I didn’t notice, the way they loo
ked at you? Lusting like animals in heat. They are Demos men, and will mate with anything, even sex droids. I allowed them to touch you, believing it would keep you and them placid. But I now see, it’s given you more of an ego than I suspected. They are not coming, pet, and when I’m through with your punishment, you’ll be on a transport heading for my home planet. You’ve cost me a lot of credits, and now it’s time to take it out on your flesh.”

  Oh shit, this was not good. She stepped back until she was cornered, as fish face’s guards advanced.

  “You primordial, bottom feeding worm! Think you can ever tame me! I’m human and what’s more I’m a redhead! We have the worst tempers in the whole entire universe!”

  The guards batted away the toothbrush and gripped her arms. She struggled and kicked out, even managed to get a good blow in before they lunged at her, pinning her against the wall.

  “They’ll come for me, and when they do you’re in big shit, fish face!” Breathing hard she stilled her struggles when she realised it was useless. But her eyes grew wider when from behind fish face's back he produced a long glowing thing, which looked very much like a whip.

  “My men are going to turn you into sushi and blow you bit by bit out into space!”

  “Oh, I think not.” The evil menace behind his words turned her blood cold. “You’ve been very bad, my pet. Now you must pay the price. Turn her around, hold her against the wall. I’ve always wanted to try the laser whip. Now I have the chance.”

  Chapter Ten

  A tremor ran down Niz’s spine. He’d been uneasy ever since the Ambassador dismissed them for the evening. “I don’t like this.” Niz paced the bridge of their ship. “We are not there to protect her.”

  “You worry too much, bro.” Zay shifted in his seat, adjusting his crotch. “Tomorrow she’ll be in our possession, I have it all plan—”

  The beeping of the ships external com made Zay sit up and glance over the console. “Odd, the line is coming from the Morax’s quarters.”

  Niz strode over, answering the com line.

  “Fire Bond brothers, how can we help you, Ambassador?”

  “My friends, it is not I who needs your help right now. I have to give thanks to the Piclar’s little human. She has rescued me from making a bad deal with Ambassador Rageelna. She is an intelligent species and should not be at the mercy of the Piclar. He was very angry with her when I left. If you care at all for the human, I recommended her immediate removal.”